Robotics-6th Period

Course Description

Robotics Programming and Design will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to design, implement, and present meaningful robotic programs through a variety of media. Students will collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic communities to solve problems in designing and programming robots. Through data analysis, students will identify task requirements, plan search strategies, and use robotic concepts to access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to solve problems. By using robotic knowledge and skills that support the work of individuals and groups in solving problems, students will select the technology appropriate for the task, synthesize knowledge, create solutions, and evaluate the results. Students will gain an understanding of the principles of robotics through the study of physics, robotics, automation, and computer science & engineering design concepts.

A curriculum that includes robotics provides students with the ability to take an active role in their own learning and forms a necessary foundation for their lives in the 21st century and the ever-changing world.

In this class we will use the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 robot kit to create and command Robots that walk, talk, think and do anything you can imagine! We will use the programming features available on the "brick" in the kit, as well as the easy, intuitive and icon-based programming interface in the Mindstorms software.