School Policies » Dress Code

Dress Code

Dressing & Grooming

The district believes that school performance and future success are enhanced by appropriate dress and good grooming. The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards.
Parents are strongly encouraged to work closely with the school to enforce moderate hairstyles and high standards of dress for their students. Parents will be serving the welfare of our students and helping us as educators by emphasizing standards of neatness, cleanliness, safety, and decency in dress and grooming. The Dress Code is in effect for students while attending school functions or school sponsored activities on or off school property.
While it is inevitable that there will be differences of opinion as to the appropriateness of dress, grooming, and / or determining whether or not a student’s attire is disruptive or distracting to the educational environment of the school, the final determination will be made by the campus administration. Students who choose to violate the dress and grooming code will be sent to an administrator for clarification and/or disciplinary action. Parents will be contacted and requested to bring a change of clothes so that the student will be in compliance with the dress code. If available, the student may also change into clothing provided by the school. Repeated violations of the dress code will be construed as insubordination and further disciplinary consequences will be incurred by the student.
Because fads in dress and grooming are subject to sudden, and sometimes radical change, campus administrators reserve the right to rule on dress and grooming matters which involve decency, cleanliness, safety, bizarre, disruptive, or extreme modes of dress for school. Any exceptions will require approval and will be for a specific purpose or reason. This applies to school activities during or after instructional time, and either on or off campus.
The principal, in cooperation with club sponsors, coaches, or other persons in charge of a school organization, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in extracurricular activities.
Medical conditions may qualify for an exception from certain dress and grooming policies. However, any exceptions must receive prior approval by the campus administrator and be supported by documentation from a physician.