JROTC » Announcements SY 23-24

Announcements SY 23-24



Every three years, it is mandatory for JROTC programs to go through a JPA (JROTC Program of Accreditation) inspection to ensure JROTC programs nationwide are continuing excellence within the program. The overall inspection includes the staff continuous improvement (CIP) briefing, service-learning briefing, cadet portfolio with an interview, unit report, drill, color guard, and the instructor’s portfolio review with an interview. If the overall score is higher than 90%, programs are awarded the “Honor Unit with Distinction Star” cadets can proudly wear on their uniforms. If a school earned the star their previous inspection and score less than 90%, the star is taken away. This year, our very own JROTC Cougar Battalion had our inspection on January 11, 2021.

On the last inspection, the Cougar Battalion scored a 99.5% with the last .5% being taken away from a small color guard error. This year, the pressure was on. The Battalion’s previous chain of command for the 2019-2020 school year began brainstorming topics for the CIP and service-learning briefings, but because of COVID-19, everything was put to a halt. The Battalion’s current staff members for the 2020-2021 school year decided to pick up exactly where the last chain of command left off. So it was set, the topic for the CIP brief was recruitment and the service-learning topic was Pancreatic Cancer.

Because the beginning of the school year started with online school until the beginning of October, the cadets were falling behind with practice in certain areas necessary to perform well in JPA inspection, such as drill. The Cougar Battalion’s Battalion Commander, Camilia Castillio, Executive Officer, Maricah Frank, and the Command Sergeant Major, Franchesca Tiacba, met together with the Senior Army instructor, Colonel William Lachance, and Army instructor, Kalvin Ross to discuss how to prepare the cadets returning to in-person school as well as the online cadets for the inspection. They agreed to drill once a week and continuously study the mandatory knowledge while the staff members studied their parts for the different briefings.

With a lot of hard work and dedication, the Cougar Battalion scored a 98%. Even with all the obstacles they had to overcome due to COVID-19, the Battalion worked together as a team and can continue to wear the Honor Unit with Distinction Star with pride.